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Optimized jpeg quality (%):

Image optimizer online helps to auto calculating the best smallest image size belong with the highest quality. Additionally, the smaller image size will decrease the page load time and improve Google Pagespeed Insights score of your website.

Since Google has turned down the PageSpeed Service, there is no way to download the optimized images from Google Pagespeed Insights page. This tool followed this documentation strictly to optimize your image that can be passed image validation on PageSpeed Insight. For other purposes, you can use this tool as png optimizer and jpg optimizer.


The output is optimized for JPEG 2000, JPEG XR format. That helps to improve your page speed also has the better score on Google Pagespeed Insights. All output images will be zipped after the uploading and processing job finished.

For a better experience, you can upload all images for optimizing (that includes all subfolders also) by drag and drop files and folders. The output still keeps folder structure for easy to replace your current images at server dir.

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Does PageSpeed Insights affect seo?
Yes, PageSpeed Insights can affect SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because page speed is a ranking factor for Google's algorithm. PageSpeed Insights is a tool that analyzes the performance of web pages on mobile and desktop devices, providing suggestions to improve their speed and performance. Faster loading pages are preferred by users and search engines, as they provide a better user experience and reduce bounce rates. Therefore, a slow-loading website can negatively impact user engagement and search engine rankings. By using PageSpeed Insights to improve the speed and performance of a website, it can result in improved SEO rankings, increased traffic, and better user engagement.

How to improve PageSpeed Insights?
There are several ways to improve PageSpeed Insights score:

  1. Optimize images: Compress images, use responsive images, and avoid oversized images.
  2. Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML: Remove unnecessary code, whitespace, and comments.
  3. Enable compression: Use Gzip or Brotli compression to reduce the file size of text-based resources.
  4. Leverage browser caching: Set cache-control headers to enable browser caching of static assets.
  5. Reduce server response time: Optimize server configuration and use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  6. Eliminate render-blocking resources: Minimize the use of external scripts and defer loading of non-critical resources.
  7. Use a fast and reliable hosting provider.
  8. Implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for mobile devices.
* By implementing these optimization techniques, you can improve the loading speed and performance of your website, resulting in a better user experience, higher engagement, and improved SEO rankings.